Everyone has a meaning in life, even a cleaner - to make cleanliness for everyone, to make it clean for all visitors. Create your own meanings in life and pursue them. A simple builder can renovate buildings and be useful to all, and over all life to renovate 1000 flats, a chocolate distributor to supply the city with chocolates, plumber - to provide water to people, heating network worker - to heat the city. Say "people happy, now is warm", "the roof prevents water" and so on. Always say your professional meanings and regularly repeat them to everyone so that everyone knows you as a useful person to others and enjoy you. It is important to always say to everyone regularly. Take photos at work and share them with everyone when you meet. This way, you will be more appreciated, known by friends, family, everyone, you will have new professional meanings sometimes very well to do something. For example, an architect needs to share new photos of the newly built shopping center with everyone and family, a furniture designer - with newly photographed furniture, a cleaner to show a clean room, prouding that made it clean room for everyone, showing design photos and more. You need to regularly proud to everyone about something when meeting all friends, acquaintances, and family, wife, husband.