If you are dissatisfied with your current job - constantly look for a job you like parallelly on job portals online every 2 weeks
It is very important to work in a job that you like and that suits you, which makes up your daily life. Your job must be on somewhat enjoyable. It varies for each person, some don't like physical work, other people are happy doing not hard to do physical work that earns them quite good money. If you don't like your job - change it to one you like, meanwhile, find a job that gives you daily well-being by browsing job portals, that would give you daily well-being. Find a suitable and good job for yourself, to have your career. If you are young, choose a job with career opportunities, rising every now and then a few hundred dollars for qualifications or management positions. Someone who likes your disliked job will appear at your not liked workplace. Everyone has a job they like. It's important to work in a job you like. If you like your job with $50-$200 higher pay - tell to management. So that means needs to increase prices very little.