Celebrate everything, even the smallest details with your family (with small treats at the table, not drinks) and with friends, relatives (coffee, sweets, cakes). Celebrate everything - beautiful weather, a raise, a good fishing trip with smoked fish, completed tasks, the beginning of vacations, company achievements, birthdays, name days, good grades for your child, and so on and so on. Celebrate everything as often as possible - with coffee, tea, treats, delicious dishes.
Alcohol can be used only once a week and moderately while celebrating, but it is not prohibited (a couple of glasses of beer when meeting with friends). Drinking alcohol for alone is forbidden – it is not celebration, it is alcoholism. Celebrate more with treats, coffee, tea, grapes, candies, cakes, and other usual things.
Have small celebrations every weekend (unspecified ones, just visits for coffee or something else). God celebrates and rejoices. The devil torments and suffers.