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Once a few year, go to talk a little to increase your wage

MariusWord > Once a few year, go to talk a little to increase your wage

Once a few year, go to talk a little to increase your wage

Salaries constantly increases and your company forgets to increase them for you. Regularly, once a few year, go with a reason to talk a little to increase your salary ($25-$200). You must have a reason - for example, you have been working for a long time, the quality of work has improved, or something else. If you don't have a reason, come up with one after made and then go talk a little to increase your salary. If you're not working, find the job by asking for a while to work as an assistant in job searching - every two weeks. You will increase self wage and you will have money for leisure.

Result: You can increase your monthly salary ($25-$200) and have more money for savings or leisure.

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