Use bank services to buy items and home by paying $10-$200/month from your salary into a "bank savings account". You can get $5 000-$150 000.
Use bank services. You will have everything you need right away, simply by in requirement saving $10-$200 per month, not eat money. Think about it. You can buy a large TV, household appliances, audio equipment, missing furniture, or other amenities - paying $20-$40 per month for several years into a "bank savings account", buying on lease. You can also buy a home with furnishings (after working for a while) for as little as $50-$150/month for two ($100-$300/month for one) - by taking out a loan for 30-40 years. For example $150/month from $1500 wage for each person, of two in the family, to buy homes, in some towns. This is a good solution - it is cheaper than rent. Recommended for young people. If you already have an apartment, you can also renovate the entire interior with new furnitures and equipments, by taking long term, small monthly payments loan. However, do not take a loan for a new car - it's a burdensome and poor decision if you were to crash it or something. It's better to drive an old one. If you don't have an old one (vehicle), you can borrow, for example, $2000-$4000 in very small monthly payments to buy a used car, but you won't be able to borrow more to anyone else. If you're not employed, don't borrow anything at all, quickly find a job – you will find one within a few months and begin life. Use this knowledge - use it, but think it over. If both of you increase your salary by $100, without any minus, at once, without any downside, you can take out a loan for all new equipments and furniture, and renew the home. Readers of the entire word, are able without any troubles to live good, read all points detailed. Don't exceed your capabilities.